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Meet Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn’s passion is helping others overcome adversity, embrace hope, and navigate life's challenges. She is a Certified Grief Educator, author, and speaker.


She facilitates grief support classes and a support group for mothers of child loss.  


Gwendolyn has enjoyed a successful career of strong leadership and advocacy.


Gwendolyn has enjoyed a successful career of strong leadership and advocacy. She holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA), a Bachelor of Science in Marketing, is a Certified Senior Paralegal, Litigation Support Manager, and Trial Consultant.


She enjoys physical fitness, is a competitive bodybuilder, and has taught fitness boot camps for women.


She’s the mother of two sons - one who passed away, and she has worked in church leadership for over 25 years.


Gwendolyn was born and reared in Alabama and resides in Colorado. 

What Others Say


“Gwendolyn seems to connect instantly with others – whether they are hurting from fresh grief, stuck in cycles of pain from trauma, or they’re just trying to find direction. Gwendolyn’s compassion and empathy comes through with a calming nature that words cannot explain.  It is not unusual for others to say “I feel like I’ve known her forever” after talking with Gwen for just a little while.”

- S.D 


“Gwen shares her real-life experiences without watering down the challenges of navigating the toughest parts, so others know they are not alone, and their experiences are not unique or insurmountable. She shares her truth and gives us hope that we can make it through hard and painful situations.” 

- R.S.


“Her transparency breaks down the barriers to getting better and healing because she shares the real details of what it looks and feels like to be sidelined with life challenges, and what it really takes to move forward. She has a strong faith but doesn’t force it on you or make you feel uncomfortable about where you are on your journey.”

- G.W.


Gwendolyn is a relatable author who writes deep from the heart. Her newest book You Don't Know Just How I Feel: Hope for the Grieving Heart launches in Spring 2022. This resource will help encourage and bring comfort to those who are grieving. 

Invite Gwendolyn


Gwendolyn can speak and bring a relatable message to any audience no matter where they are on their journey. Her messages emphasize one or all of the topics of Hope, Courage, Freedom, Faith, and Resilience.


Being a Certified Grief Educator allows Gwendolyn to provide education, support, and experience to those who are hurting. She brings a compassionate and personal love to her teaching. Gwendolyn not only educates those who are grieving, but she speaks life into all people that she encounters.


Certified Grief Educator

As a Certified Grief Educator, I’m committed to providing the highest level of grief support through education, experience, and insights into the often-unacknowledged rocky terrain of grief. 


I’ve studied with and completed a certificate program designed by world-renowned grief expert, David Kessler. I bring his unique methodology, tools, and decades of experience to help people navigate the challenges of grief.

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  • Competitive Fitness Athlete

  • 2 Mission trips to Haiti

  • Coached Special Olympics Athletes

  • Conference Host – The Resilience Conference 2020, Denver, Colorado

  • Founded SiStahs in Solace (SiS) a support group for mothers of child loss

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© 2022 Moving Forward with Gwendolyn O. Burton.

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